Monday, May 23, 2011

The Fracking Facts Fracas

There’s a big debate about the practice of fracking, formally known as hydraulic fracturing, in West Virginia. But within this fracas, much of the debate is leaving out some critical facts.

Fact #1 – In over 50 years of drilling for natural gas in the United States, there has never been a confirmed case of groundwater contamination from stimulating a well through hydraulic fracturing.

Fact #2 – If chemicals used in fracking are so bad, why are the industry and many companies so willing to publicly disclose what is used in the process. For example, Chesapeake Energy has a fracking disclosure website. Then there is this great website for industry transparency called FracFocus. And just this month the Williams Company began listing its fracking ingredients online as well.

Fact #3 – Last week top officials of West Virginia’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) told members of the Legislature they have no (that’s zero) confirmed cases of well water contamination from fracking.

So why all the fracking fracas? Could it be people just haven’t considered the facts?


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